Hose Clamps and Clips

More than 80 years with Innovation and Technology

SMS P-Clip Clamp Mikalor, Abrazadera SMS Mikalor, Halterungsschelle SMS Mikalor, Collier SMS Mikalor, Collare a norma SMS Mikalor
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How to install P-Clips | Mikalor

SMS P-Clip

Mikalor SMS P-Clips are particularly ideal for attaching and retaining cable conduits, hoses and tubes in sectors such as construction, sanitary and automotive. They are widely used in agricultural machinery, boatbuilding and commercial vehicles.

Available in two bandwidths: 12.7mm (with an M6 hole) and 15.9mm (with an M8 hole).



  • Versatile Design: Unlike the DIN 3016 P-Clip, the P-Clip SMS has an oval front hole and a round rear hole for greater mounting flexibility.
  • Protection: The EPDM rubber profile provides a good grip, eliminating vibration and preventing damage to the application area.
  • Custom Options: Special diameters and other types of rubber lining available on request.

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    SMS P-Clip Clamp Mikalor, Abrazadera SMS Mikalor, Halterungsschelle SMS Mikalor, Collier SMS Mikalor, Collare a norma SMS Mikalor
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